Our Limited Edition Halloween Crystal Mix is here. When it’s gone it’s gone, so don’t miss out!
Carefully curated the crystals that give us that festive feeling 🎃
Bags will include a mixture of the following:
Zebra Jasper pumpkins, Fluorite pumpkins, Garnet pumpkins, Raw Black Tourmaline, Orange Heulandite Clusters, Raw Pyrite, Pyrite Cubes, Raw Malachite, Smoky Quartz Tumblestones, Green Aventurine Tumblestones, Bloodstone Tumblestones, Obsidian Arrowheads, Gold Sheen Obsidian Moons, Sodalite Skull Necklaces, Mahogany obsidian pumpkins and many more treats.
Please note: not all bags will include all the items shown, however we will always aim to give a balanced mixture!